agile – efficient – upside down

Zurich-based, highly flexible software consulting company – with strong expertise in embedded systems and algorithms.


Below is a non exhaustive summary of our main fields of competences – if there's something you'd be interested in but can't find here don't hesitate to reach out to us via or via the contact form.

For us at Chickadee Engineering, algorithmic work is far from being limited to integrating 3rd party libraries. It already starts with mapping a product vision into algorithms to be deployed to give life to this vision. Strong from years of working in very diverse contexts, we're not only passionate about how to solve problems, but we also have the experience to solve them in an efficient, elegant and future-proof way. Our deep understanding of the problems at stake and our familiarity with a broad range of solutions, from cutting-edge to well-established, allows us to come up with pragmatic and tailored approaches.
Computer Vision
Image Quality
State Estimation

Stretching from the early stages of HW bring-up until user facing features such as SW update and boot time, BSP work is a significant and crucial part of any project involving HW. Bootloader tweaking, kernel hacking, navigating the vast code bases of Android or Linux, unbrickable OTA? We can offer comprehensive assistance when it comes to BSP related tasks.
HW bring-up
Android & Linux

The thing every project needs but no one wants to be responsible for! Setting up version control or CI can be cumbersome, especially since they're not everyday tasks - this is where projects can greatly benefit from external help, to advise on and cover these topics. Having adapted Jenkins plugins for better integration into the development workflow, having developed custom test frameworks, including data-based regression testing and validation of critical applications through simulation or HW in the loop testing; we have a solid expertise in these topics and a sensitivity to the necessary balance between delivery speed and QA needs.
Build Systems
Version Control

Going from PoC to final implementation can be a challenging step, potentially requiring target-specific optimizations or specific design mindset to fulfill product requirements. This is especially relevant in the context of embedded systems where leveraging all the available HW accelerators and peripherals might be needed to remain within power or timing constrains. Additionally to our extensive experience on these topics, we are really enthusiastic about such challenges.

Because there is for sure no SW project without SW, but these days there's also no HW project without SW! From manufacturing SW to support tools, from the first design phases to the product maintenance, we can contribute at any point of the full lifecycle.
Application Level SW
Low Level SW
Manufacturing SW

Having already worked in several industry projects, developing complex products from beginning to end, we know about the importance of System Architecture: it is key to efficiently drive the project, to help manage risks and to help define workpackages, dependencies and timeline. Coming up with an adequate HW & SW design, to ensure that features can be implemented and requirements met, in spite of often contradictory constraints, is an exciting challenge we're always eager to tackle.
Bare Metal
Communication & Network
Computing Unit Selection
Sensor Selection & Integration

Development services

We've always worked in very fast paced environments with changing requirements. This not only taught us to remain flexible but it also helps us now to be ready on demand for all kinds of challenges. Part of our work was always linked to customer facing features which mandates to go the extra mile for a nice product and great user experience. Nevertheless we're also familiar with proof of concept work where one needs to be to the point.


Often employees are curious and wish to learn about new and modern techniques, hear about best practices or some specific algorithmic topics. A workshop can be a good format to answer such interest in growing. We'd love to share our knowledge by organizing such an event.

Expert advice

Sometimes, especially at the beginning of a new project, it can be extremely valuable to brainstorm or cross-check initial concepts and architectural ideas. In particular, external people with a diverse background can bring a different perspective and a breath of fresh air. Don't hesitate to get us on-board for such an occasion if you feel like our broad experience can be leveraged for your project.