Our philosophy

These days, it seems like advances in AI promise to replace developers with affordable machines. This begs the question: is spending money on external person-power worthwhile, let alone justified? Although it may appear that a cheap, fast, and simple answer to all manner of software problems is only an AI query away, ChatGPT & Co. is still far from an infallible one-size-fits-all solution. The initial appeal of AI can be deceiving: the supposed savings of time and money often result in additional work and an overall decrease in productivity. We at Chickadee Engineering are convinced that our expertise will continue to bring better results with fewer frustrations than AI shortcuts.

In our previous experiences, we've learned that over a project's lifetime, time spent evaluating alternatives or proof-of-concept work is necessary in order to create a strong foundation for decision-making; however, developers' critical responsibilities are often keeping them at full capacity, stifling the potential for exploration and evaluation of alternatives. This is where bringing in external contractors can help: while your team maintains focus on planned development, contractors can take on additional tasks, whose outcomes can be used to shape the plans for your projects. In addition, contractors are specialists in their field – rounding out the skills already present on your core team for the most critical and specific needs. In the unfortunate case where a project is behind or the core team has moved too far in the wrong direction and the success of the project is in danger, the introduction of a SWAT team of contractors can provide a fresh perspective, motivation, and additional support for the project that will help get the team back on track. Some believe a project only requires external help when the situation is already dire, but we've often found that a project would have run more smoothly if expert support had been sought out at an earlier stage, rather than waiting until all is almost lost.

Here at Chickadee Engineering, our expertise is at your disposal when you need it most. Thanks to our broad range of academic and professional experiences, we are well prepared to help you cover any and all phases of the development life-cycle: from a project's concept phase, through software and system architecture, hardware bring-up and proof of concept, all the way to product release, maintenance and manufacturing support. In particular, our theoretical and professional focus lies in robotics (state estimation and control), microcontroller and embedded firmware development, and software analysis and debugging. A more detailed overview can be found on our front page. True to the attributes of our namesake, the Chickadee, we have the flexibility to adapt to any situation, work not only for the success of the project but also the team, and can often provide a refreshing, upside-down perspective.

Still reading? If our offer and attitude have resonated with you, we would be happy to learn more about your needs. We can rarely resist a new challenge and are constantly seeking exciting projects.